Thursday, December 20, 2007


My friends wanted a photograph that was erotic, yet something they could put up in their apartment. They wanted it not to be the typical portrait type shot. I had never photographed a nude couple, let alone two friends. They are also not shy about their excitment, which made it a little uncomfortable for me. But in the end this is the photo that they really liked.

I goof around with the photos a lot in photoshop. Heck, it gives me something to do. For this photo I took the original shot and then duplicated the layer. I changed the mode to soft light and it added a lot of contrast. Next I ran an action called professional retro and went in and played with the saturation. Lastly I ran another action called Midnight Black. I probably couldn't duplicate this again if I tried cause I also played with the curves adjustments for a little while.

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